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Classes begin Sunday, September 15!


Registraiton is OPEN!

Sacramental Preparation Registration closes September 30th. This is a HARD DEADLINE. NO EXCEPTIONS. 


A few points:

- Preschool is 4+ and potty trained

- Sacramental Preparation students are those students 2nd-8th seeking their First Reconciliation and First Communion

- if your student is 2nd grade and NOT receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion, they will be placed in the most age-appropriate class (either 1st or 3rd)

-  Please sign up for our email notifications so you don't miss out on any events or volunteer opportunities.

Blessings to all,

Cyndie McKay-Deurmeier
aka Mrs. D

406-548-8753 (text only)

2024-2025 HRP FF Calendar (FC in April).png

Register for email updates:

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